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Many organizations fail to successfully accomplish their expectations and goals for their 5S program. Typical causes of 5S failure include:
5s Is Seen As A Stand Alone Effort
Typically managers see the 5S effort as something that is done periodically such as just prior to the annual visit by upper management. It is not viewed as an on-going effort and as a result it quickly becomes viewed as just another “flavor of the month effort,” By treating your 5S program as a stand alone process creates a lot of confusion about the purpose of this effort and typically results in the improper use of valuable resources.
Management Doesn’t Set A Strong 5s Example
Nothing kills a 5S program quicker than having employees walk by a managers' desks or work areas that are messy and cluttered after they have attended a 5S training session or 5S progress meeting.
Management Doesn’t Enforce 5S Practices On A Daily Basis
When every member of the management team does not support 5S practices consistently and regularly it sends the wrong message. If a supervisor walks by someone who is violating a 5S (or other type of high performance) expectation and does not say anything, they are telling that employee that their behavior is OK.
5S Expectations Are Not Incorporated Into Every Employee's Job Description
Keeping your work areas to remain clean and organized will not happen by itself Most failures to maintain a clean and organized workplace stem from people thinking and saying “it is not my job!” This generally occurs when management has not incorporated their 5S expectations and goals into each employee’s job description
No Vision Of What Each Target Area Should Look Like In Terms Of 5S
One of the greatest “killers” of any program is the lack of a shared vision. When management fails to communicate its vision, it is impossible to get employees to enroll into it and they will not be committed to making it happen. A vision is not something created by a couple of people in a room, it is what the leader envisions the program to be and then shared with every stakeholder. When lack of a shared vision is the culprit, it is typically because management did not commission the 5S project properly. They did not explain the goals and their expectations in a clear and concise manner, if at all.
Procedures Incomplete Or Inadequate
Most failures of 5S programs can be traced back to inadequate or ineffective 5S procedures. 5S teams for some reason seem to take short cuts when it comes to writing procedures for the workplace. For example, they often fail to include steps for tasks such as putting things back where they belong; people assume that people will naturally do this. Each and every part of your 5S program needs to be defined by procedures to ensure that they are performed the same way every time, by every applicable worker.
No Regular Follow Up By Management
When management does not follow through by looking for consistency of 5S practices and consistency in the use of visual techniques, safe work practices, and employee awareness of high performance concepts, they send the wrong message. Too often, managers try to manage from their offices or meetings and they don’t have a “presence of the floor”. This usually leads to the impression that they are uninvolved or don’t care. When managers do not observe and discuss their findings with workers or make corrections, the 5S program falls short of goals and expectations
Lack Of Employee Recognition
Nothing kills enthusiasm or morale quicker than management’s failure to recognize the efforts of the workers in meeting goals and expectations. The lack of a formal recognition program leads to poor 5S performance and increases the likely hood that your program will not be sustainable.
Progress Not Tracked And Visually Displayed
People get discouraged if they can net see progress towards their goals. The effects of the program should be quickly obvious, however it is soon forgotten unless a record is made such as using before and after photographs. Without progress tracking it will not be obvious to outsiders and other stakeholders that any progress has been made at all. Workers in the target area quickly become discouraged and stop applying the 5S practices causing a regression back to where you were when you started your 5S initiative.
Getting Past 5S Failures
Advanced 5S Implementation is intended to help you avoid the 5S failures that others have suffered. It shows you can benefit from using several of lean management approaches and techniques. Your 5S Implementation team must consistently apply these approaches and techniques and identify and correct problems. You can not rely solely on supervisors to do this. They can deal with the application of procedure and people issues, they do not have the time to address structural issues that make the system work. The 5S Implementation team needs to address the needs of the 5S program and make adjustments in the true spirit of continuous improvement.
In short, the Advanced 5S Implementation book will help your team build high performance practices, expectations, and measurements into the overall work system.
Over the last 20 years I visited numerous manufacturing plants in the
While each plant had its own strengths and weaknesses, one fact was clear: many of the plants had undertaken some form of workplace organization, some had implemented 5S. None were obtaining the results they desired when undertaking the effort. Some only practiced it when Upper Management was scheduled to visit, others only made half hearted attempts to implement 5S and few had any serious and lasting follow up
They were in effect merely going through the motions such as writing it into their mission statements, management loudly proclaim its virtues but taking little interest in the day to day mechanics, and claiming to have created a visual workspace when in reality all they did was little more than create signs. Clutter and unneeded items were for the most part still evident and employee had little apparent understanding of the need to keep it free of unneeded items
The fact of the matter is that we know what needs to be done. 5S is a lean manufacturing approach to manufacturing based on the Toyota Production System. The job of management in lean manufacturing is to identify and eliminate all forms of waste, including:
There are many impediments to the implementation of lean manufacturing and especially to proper use of 5S principles and practices:
Incorrect plant performance measures
Performance is impacted by many factors, especially when the focus is on the short term. Most of these factors are beyond the immediate control of management. Cash flow (the life blood of any company) is impacted interest rates and can have a dramatic impact on your plant’s profitability. Government policies and over regulation impact profits in many ways. In addition, sales volumes or product pricing impacts the profit level of a plant. When these factors positively impact profit, the operation is viewed as successful, and generously rewarded even if management practices are ineffective and wasteful. When they have a negative impact on profits, even the best managers are often viewed as abysmal failures and removed from their position.
Worst of all, profit measurements are easily manipulated through “cooking the books”. In most of the facilities that I visited, it was very common and obvious that management was manipulating inventory levels in one form or another. One plant manager told me that while he wanted to reduce inventories, to keep his efficiency ratings high, he was had to over-produce during slack times. This led to higher inventory levels which if reduced to proper levels would have a negative impact on his profitability measure. Too great a focus on Profitability as a performance measurement typically results in short-term thinking. What incentive is there for a company that driven by profitability measures to invest in a 5S project which might have higher costs in the short-term has the potential for significant savings in the long term?
Wrong focus
People tend to do what they get rewarded to do. If their focus is on equipment utilization rather than on customer demand, the equipment will be run at full capacity, despite actual demand. The result is overproduction, which is the basis of virtually all manufacturing waste. Focusing on accountability for machine utilization has the undesirable effect of increasing waste.
In order to effectively and continually improve performance and eliminate waste, all processes need to be analyzed understood and then controlled. The measurement of process effectiveness will shift the focus to long-term improvements like 5S and will allow companies to reward managers for real performance. Measuring results on the other hand only promote manipulation and short-term thinking.
Lack of confidence in worker’s abilities
When management is unwilling to develop their employees and allow them the freedom to manage their own processes, they will miss the opportunity to capture the full potential of the organization. I am a firm believer that the solution to every problem that a company or plant faces, is currently located with in the four walls of that facility.
Unwillingness to invest time and resources into correctly implementing 5S
Management is driven by two things:
Anything that interferes with either one is seen as an enemy of management, as a result many managers only give half hearted support to new ideas and projects they are not familiar with. This is compounded by the fact that most people who propose a lean initiative such s 5S don’t take the time to encode it the language of the business. They speak to generalities and the successes of other organizations. They fail to make a legitimate business case for the change. Managers have legitimate questions like:
Many managers simply do not believe in the effectiveness of lean manufacturing and 5S in particular. Many of the managers I talked with defended poor manufacturing practices they routinely employed in order to keep their productivity numbers high and their bonuses on track.
Failure to recognize their survival obligation to all stake holders
Many managers feel that change is unnecessary. The company made money before the recession, and the good times will return when it is over. The focus is often on job security rather than employment security, the problem is, there is a sea change taking place in the world economy and companies are facing global competition like never before. Many managers fail to see the change that has occurred and the threat it brings to their very survival. They prefer to stick their head in the sand rather than address the need for their very survival – after all, the government will bail them out! The fact is jobs (including those of managers) are changing and managers better shift their focus to securing their employment and let the job change as needed.
One of the key elements of the manager’s job was control, which has been modified to include empowerment. In order to survive and remain employed, managers must give up a portion of their control to employees by letting them control more of their work area and work flow. 5S is an prime example of how to effectively empower employees while retaining necessary control over budget and schedule.
Producing Desired Results
If the plant is operating effectively (and you have properly linked operational measure to financial goals), profitability will follow. The key to making 5S produce the desired results is to link it to the goals and strategic objects of the company. The primary goal for most companies is to make money by producing a product or service that meets the needs of its customers. This fact often gets lost in the vision statements and lofty purpose statements of management. The vision should be what your company is going to do in order to meet that goal of making money. The
The next element in ensuring success, is to refocus the workforce on a new set of measurements and processes that are focused on increasing throughput, decreasing inventory and reducing operating costs. This means totally abandoning many of the traditional measure like efficiency and looking more to effectiveness instead. This will require analyzing your processes for the value they add to your products or services. In the short-term, this may lead to an increase in non-productive time. Smart managers will take advantage of this slack time to develop better uses of this non-productive time such as training, Total Productive Maintenance , team building, and continuous improvement activities. Proper training and management will alllow workers to spend their downtime improving the processes that they work on as well as their workplace. By eliminating wasteful, non-value added activities like overproduction and empowering and training your workforce, your company can improve their competitiveness and ensure its survival.
Your employees and their supporting staff will need all the tools and techniques of lean manufacturing and 5S practices to sustain, self-audit and continuously improve the workplace and their jobs. They will need a well thought out and planned program that is supported by management at all levels. Keep in mind that the most commonly missing element is often management commitment. If you invest everyone's time and commitment in 5S, and a few individuals fail to maintain the standard, the program will collapse. Management must support the program with policies and procedures that are enforced.
Regular oversight also is required to ensure that the processes are working as intended or changed in a controlled fashion when needed. Management must not only commit the resources, they must commit their time to get involved. They must lead from the front and have a high visibility in the workplace.
5S teams must move beyond Basic 5S and embrace Advanced 5S practices in order to obtain Management support and commitment. The teams must learn to speak the language of business. Only when all of this occurs will you start to see the results you desire from your 5S program.
The starting point is to build a business case for change. The business case must address performance needs and put them in a strategic context. It must speak in terms of quantifiable goals and objectives and address the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats when analyzing each and every potential change.
The 5S team must learn how to use business tools for presenting their case to management. Management commitment will only come when senior managers enroll in the process and exert a high level of managerial energy to the program. Managers want to know that the 5S team has thoroughly and accurately analyzed the issue and its attendant risks to ensure that their "rear ends are covered".
A Five S program is usually a part of, and the key component of establishing a Visual Workplace. and are both a part of Kaizen -- a system of continual improvement -- which is a component of lean manufacturing. Considering the wide-ranging applicability of 5S and all the benefits associated it, why do so many organizations have such difficulty with implementation and sustaining it? |
Industry is covered with countless examples of 3S (Sort, Set in Order, Shine), but few good examples where all of the 5S elements have taken root. These implementations basically amount to one-time clean-up campaigns that fall far short of achieving the benefits previously outlined. In these “implementations,” 5S is not viewed as a system that needs to evolve and be managed over time, which is the real trick to 5S success. |
We are about to publish a new book: "Advanced 5S Implementation." It explains the tools and techniques required to help your Basic 5S program evolve into a powerful and effective tool for continuous improvement and increased performance. It provides the information necessary to identify chronic embedded waste and to develop a means of reducing it.
Advanced 5S Implementation covers the following topics: Chapter 1 -- Setting The Foundation - Waste Free Operations - Business Case For Change - Maintaining A Safe Workplace Chapter 2 -- Advanced 5S Tools - 5S Planning Tools - 5S Problem Solving Tools - 5S Performance Tools Chapter 3 -- 5S Implementation Techniques - Process Analysis - QCDSM Program Chapter 4 -- Applying The Tools and Techniques - Adding Safety to Basic 5S - Applying The Planning Tools - Applying The Problem Solving Tools - Applying The Performance Tools Appendix - 5S Safety Forms - 5S Planning Tool Forms - 5S Problem Solving Tool Forms - 5S Performance Tool Forms